
To love God is to love others—concretely, like the inscription of this verse on the Cathedral’s façade.

The parish offers many ways to help others, including a monthly service project, a social justice committee, and support for the Cathedral’s “sister” parish and school: St. Paul’s in Carissade, Haiti.

Grant Opportunity 

The Cathedral of the Sacred Heart welcomes applications for small grants that support and promote human well-being.  The ideal application shall provide opportunities for Cathedral parishioners to volunteer to enhance and supplement the grant.  Grants will not be awarded for office supplies or staffing positions.

Please submit one copy of the cover sheet, grant application, and all attachments in one PDF file to Mr. Chris Malone, via email at: [email protected].  Limit your response to three-typewritten pages (12-point font), excluding attachments.  Grant applications must be returned by Friday, May 31, 2024. Late applications, requests exceeding the page limit or those missing required attachments will not be considered.  Should you have questions, please contact Mr. Malone at (804) 698-6231.

Social Justice 2024 Cathedral Grant Application

For more information, contact Rev. Mr. Christopher Malone, deacon ([email protected]).